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Working at scale

Our partner Red Whale is putting on a free Working at scale webinar and we wanted to promote this as we know their content is popular and valued.

FREE Webinar: Working at Scale? Untangling Networks and the New Contract

Streaming live on Monday 4th March 2019 at 8pm (available on demand from Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 9pm).

Red Whale’s Dr Rachel Morris and Dr Riaz Jetha, will be joined by guest speaker Ben Gowland for a live one-hour webinar.

Ben, Rachel and Riaz will discuss questions like:

  • What are PCN’s?
  • Why do they matter?
  • How do you set them up successfully and avoid pitfalls?
  • What does the future hold for networks in light of the new NHS 5-year deal and other recent announcements?

By the end of the hour, you’ll know more about:

  • What changes the NHS long term plan and GP contract reform will bring about.
  • What it means when it says that every surgery will be part of a network by June this year.
  • What the benefits of networks are - how you can be part of a successful one.
  • Why you may be part of an ineffective network and common network pitfalls.
  • How networks will affect your practice finances and ways of working.
  • What the governance structure and the role of the Clinical Director will look like.
  • How exactly networks will be funded.

Click HERE to join the webinar!

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