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Ratings and reviews from our users

All of these reviews are from real users, and we publish all reviews here not just the good ones!

You can submit your own review by logging in and coming back to this page. We really appreciate your feedback.


Average rating: 4.60 stars

(727 reviews)

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Very easy to use. Lovely interface. Good summary of progress.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

very impressive tech finding it very useful in terms of own learning


4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

excellent teaching

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

I changed to fourteenfish from another leading appraisal toolkit since last year - I have no plans to go back. Should have been on fourteenfish from the start. It is so easy to use and navigate. No brainer.

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

I have become accustomed to my portfolio so at present I am enjoying it.


5 out of 5

it is very easy to follow and fill in. A good user friendly portfolio. I feel the CPES assessments page can be further improved.


5 out of 5

I want to thank your team ad your excellent service. It is a very slick, extremely well laid out and organised site, very easy to use and extremely well adapted to the life of a busy GP. Once again, I am most grateful to you.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Very good and easy to use portfolio Tutorials have been very helpful , wonderful useful materials. -however can you consider a change of name ? Fourteen fish explaining this to a non GP dr sounds less professional


5 out of 5

Very easy to navigate with quick customer service.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

lovely portfolio, becoming easier to use as the days go by. Kindly make the editing of personal detail like address and contact, easier to access

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

easy to find important things ; may be add some suggestions for resources for study / preparation for AKT and SCA

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


2 out of 5

It is hard to place PDPs and close these. The system is not intuitive. Faults are hard to rectify and you don't also get useful or timely response to problems.

Our reply: Thank you for getting in touch we are always keen to receive feedback and make improvements where we can however unfortunately in the case of the Trainee Portfolio this content of this is dictated by the RCGP.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

find it easy to use and easy to navigate

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Thank you so much for your efforts Very clear, Organised way to make it easier to deal with my e-portfolio


1 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Love the ease of use of this platform!

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

2 out of 5

The website has lots of information/ FAQs which are helpful. However, it is not very user friendly with no clear number needed for learning logs, and inclusion of criteria that is not needed for the particular year of training (GPST1 in this instance). It is also not clear what my clinical and educational supervisors can see from my entries.

Our reply: Thank you for getting in touch we are always keen to receive feedback and make improvements where we can however unfortunately in the case of the Trainee Portfolio the content is dictated by the RCGP.


4 out of 5

Having used several other appraisal tools in the past I am able to confirm that I find Fourteen Fish the most user-friendly toolkit by far. Some suggestions for improvement: 1. When uploading information as an email to learning could you please enable the email also to be stored as an attachment to the learning entry. (Rationale: Often emails are now the only form of confirmation of attendance of e.g. resuscitation courses or other events. It would be helpful if this is visible as supportive information in teh attachment.) 2. Using the education video library could you please enable the certificate of completion to go automatically into the portfolio. 3. Could you please produce more videos for the education video library. Such an easy way of learning, especially the short videos!

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to feedback, we are always keen to hear how we can make improvements and we will pass your suggestions on for our next review.

(GP Trainee)   

1 out of 5

extremely difficult to navigate and use. consumes a lot of time going back and forth. its such a pain for trainees

Our reply: Thank you for getting in touch we are always keen to receive feedback and make improvements where we can however unfortunately in the case of the Trainee Portfolio this content is dictated by the RCGP.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Dear Fourteen Fish - thank you for helping over the years with gathering all the info for my appraisals, and helping to alleviate the "pain" involved(!)

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

so far so good. This few months with this app has been wonderful, easy to understand and the explanations for each category is a very good approach. Just need to upgrade the outlook for the mobile phone version, otherwise its a good app. Keep up the good work.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(Locum GP)   

1 out of 5

I used to keep paper records in files. A simple old fashioned system but it worked. Why do we have to make things expensive and complicated? I was told to go to "Tools" to give my appraiser early access but where is tools?

Our reply: Thank you for your feedback. You can find 'Tools' on the right hand side of your Portfolio page, but if you have any problems please just raise a ticket with our Support Team who will be happy to guide you through the process.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Fouteen Fish is by far the best Appraisal template that I have used, with the added advantage of learning diary on i-phone transferring across. I had problems getting the completed template to through to my appraiser but once I had removed the adblocker from my computer, it worked much better and went through smoothly.


3 out of 5

The platform does'nt seem very stable - it keeps on bouncing out of the screen I am trying to fill in,very frustrating.

Our reply: Thank you for the feedback, it sounds like this could be an issue with your device. Please raise a ticket with our Support Team and they will be happy to help!

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Decent software and website for keeping record of career progress

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

Finally pleased to say I have started using fourteen fish for my appraisals ! Thank you.


4 out of 5

Well organised once you know how to navigate.


5 out of 5

Really easy to use and I like the educational content too

(GP Trainee)   

1 out of 5

too many requirements , making GP training stressful

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to respond, we really appreciate your feedback. The training and curriculum are set by the RCGP, I know that they are also open to feedback and this can be delivered either via your Deanery or by contacting them directly.


4 out of 5


4 out of 5

I have appreciated the support for MSF feedback when I was emailed before I looked at it. I sometimes get a bit lost navigating the site

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

It gives me monitor my progress. I am enjoying it thoroughly


4 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

not enjoying, it is confusing, the lay out is messy. Can't find things I need easily. Not intuitive. And PINK!


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

I have been doing my appraisals for over ten years now. I dreaded using the MAG form and had palpitations each time. It was slow, would not allow me to save my work which was very frustrating. For 2 years now I have used Fourteen Fish and I feel so happy and relaxed when using it. Even the patient and colleague questionnaires are in-built and so easy to use. The results were collated with 24 hours. Thank you for a great service. You recognised a huge gap in the market and filled it.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

Generally good. Good use of colours. Easy to navigate. Phone app is poor compared to website. Mobile view of website is perfectly fine. One improvement suggestion would be being able to change entry titles (perhaps with a log, for record keeping purposes) so we can clean up the look of our entries (for example, ive decided I prefer my CCR entries to start with "Clinical Case Review" in the title. My old entries are not changeable, so there is a lack of consistency

(Nurse Practitioner)   

4 out of 5

So far I am really enjoying the Fourteen Fish platform, I am a Nurse working in Advanced Practitioner Role in Primary Care, I would like the CPD to be able to be be mapped across to demonstrate covering the RCGP core capabilities for nurses working in advanced practice in primary care- just like you have the four tick boxes for the four pillar of advanced practice,.......

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

good clear pages with information relevant to needs


5 out of 5

Very easy to use, but as the appraisal and revalidation process is mandatory it should not incur an expense. Up until this year I had used the MAG form without issue only to be informed by my responsible officer that this was no longer an option. Why am I forced to changed and forced to pay?

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Very easy to use.


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Thank-you 14Fish is an excellent tool for GP learning and Appaisal

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

(Paramedic practitioner)   

4 out of 5

Very intuiting in the information that I need to include, but one frustration is that I can't seem to find, from the percentage completion, I can't figure out at all what I'm missing to get me to 100% and the ability to determine what's needed in a "to do list" format would be really useful.


1 out of 5

Not good at all Stupid name that sounds like a dating site and far from intuitive.


4 out of 5

on the whole an easy platform to use. can be a bit clunky. also there is a lot of repetitive feedback for supervisors to give, which I worry can disincentives them to give helpful/real feedback. the platform for recording consultations for RCA was great. I have found the clinical case reviews hard to know what to put in which box - with only the 'what will I continue' 'what will I develop' being pulled through for ESR


4 out of 5

easy to use, just needs integration between trainees' view and ARCP panel view to avoid any false outcomes

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I like the format for myself but find clarity easier to work through as an appraiser

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

It was a bit complicated in the beginning, but now is getting easier and easier to use.


5 out of 5

(Locum GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

As an appraiser, FourteenFish used to be my favourite appraisal tool but it’s gone downhill since being taken over by Emis. In particular, it’s now possible to continue adding extra information after the appraisal has been submitted and even after the meeting, but before the sign off by the appraiser. They used to email the appraiser when extra info was added but now no longer feel the need. This may not seem like a big deal, but it’s a major IG issue. The appraiser will not know that new stuff has been submitted late until they come to do the write up and the appraisee will assume that it’s been seen. In comparison, Clarity locks the appraisal after submission so this isn’t possible. Late submission or additions may mean that the appraisal has to be postponed, which has implications for the doctor’s revalidation. There are occasions when an appraiser might want missing stuff added (that’s why we ask for everything 2 weeks beforehand) but if that’s the case then I need to know when it’s been added so I don’t have to log in every day to find out. It’s disappointing that FourteenFish’s response to this issue is that it isn’t one.

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

2 out of 5

Aspects are good. But overall I find it clunky and confusing and cannot navigate around easily. The training map is not helpful. It is near impossible to find previous blocks of training (surely that should be in 'training map'?). Editing CCRs is hard- some things have to be deleted and started over instead of simply being able to edit.


5 out of 5



5 out of 5


2 out of 5

The locking feature for review periods is very unhelpful

(Paramedic practitioner)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Easy to navigate and use

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

What I most like is the easy and clear interface throughout. Does not lend itself to confusion. Also, the office staff is very friendly, supportive, knowledgeable and importantly, quite efficient as they answer correctly any e-mail queries next day at the latest.


5 out of 5

easy navigation


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

It's easy to use but I am still unclear on what it expected with regards to most of the requirements.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

I enjoy using the fourteen fish portfolio a lot. It is an amazing website. My overall experience rating is 5 out of 5.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

I think adding short videos in the top to explain the entries content would be more easy and attractive for us as most of is struggle in the beginning in understanding what the suitable content for each entry . and also more educational videos in the library about the basic examination required in the medical field. Like cranial nerves examination. Alot of us might need to refresh knowledge . And short videos on the top page of required examination to refresh knowledge similar to Geeky medics. And brief educational videos about interpreting Different investigation like interpreting ECG and chest x ray or ECHO. As most of us despite knowing these things very well we always need to update our knowledge. Most of people going to general practice are IMG who have some long experience in other field but new to primary care network in the UK like my group . Some of them are fresh graduates and I think a lot more are of group my group . Also adding something similar to GP behind closed doors simulation videos it will give an idea about how will be the real life practical experience. And add systmone training or EMIS training if there is no copy rights or confidentiality issue . I have subscribed to another course called Emedica and paid for it separately to get a kind of introductory Overall idea about working in the field. But if in the same website fourteen fish portfolio . It will be much easier . I think fourteen fish should be more and more effective in making GPs trainee constantly engaged and constantly learning and target their specific needs as long experienced IMG trainee or fresh UK graduates , To be the new GPs Facebook . Alot of us enjoy videos and learn more through websites that provides them more than written data. Why there is no brief induction videos about the training including hospital rotations similar to those on other websites . Why there is no (easy to reach platform for new trainees to connect with older colleagues .I felt lonely and lost in the start .I didn't know what are the requirements. And the name is not reflecting the training area. As in the start if didn't know which website to subscribe I did that subscribe around 15 days after I started. Why not GP success, GP guide , GPs Facebook or FaceGP land .GP notebook . or some other name which reflects the contents . I think it will be more easy to reach and interact if the name is reflecting the contents .


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Very easy to use and self explanatory. Didn't have any problems so far. Love to use it on the go.

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

pretty good

(GP Trainee)   

3 out of 5

The learning logs page could be re-made - it doesn't state what is required when reflecting very clearly

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

Useful professional tool.


5 out of 5

It’s brilliant! It confirms what I know, but also educated me. Only for some reason at the moment I can’t post a question, why.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

I wonder why the academic activity is showing to all of the trainees despite it being only for academic trainees. It causes a lot of confusion, especially for new trainees


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


1 out of 5

Overcomplex and confusing to use.

(Advanced Practitioner)   

5 out of 5



4 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(Paramedic practitioner)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

awesome and user friendly


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

Please can we have an option for a free text portfolio entry for times when we want to make an entry that doesn't fit in with the options. The current options are too rigid for all my needs. This is needed for generic reflections that dont reflect specifically to any of the pre defined options.

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

Hi, I just wanted to feedback on the colleague survey- it would be useful to have a function where you could send reminder emails to those who haven’t completed the feedback.


1 out of 5

Difficult to use. Poor structure. Key sections difficult to find and review.


4 out of 5

How’s the dictation software changed recently? Are usually dictate my comments to log entries and over the last month I’ve had to do multiple corrections after dictating. I’m finding that a lot of the comments are making have a necessarily added, commas or very unusual substitutions for very common words, both in medical jargon and a normal language. I deliberately not, correct the above, so that you can see the kind of air is that being made (Typed) I’ve deliberately not corrected the above so that you can see the kind of errors that are being made. I can see 9 errors having dictated the first two paragraphs and there hadn’t been this degree of problems previously.


5 out of 5

Very user friendly ,still learning new ways of using it since switched from rcgp portfolio.


5 out of 5

First time used and so easy and quick to use. Everything in one place and easy to access without having to log into anything else or get a PC/laptop. 360 degree review so easy too

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5

Easy to use


5 out of 5

I love Fourteen Fish ! I've learnt so much from watching the modules, taking the tests, retaking the tests ! From all the examiners comments about the various aspects such as Endometriosis, CVD. Cervical cancer, POI, GSM , Migraines and HRT , to mention but a few. To read and watch how all at Fourteen Fish care holistically for their perimenopausal and menopausal patients is so enlightening and motivational. And knowing that we can share our queries with one another is comforting and educational too I love spreading the word about the tremendous work you all do and you have opened our eyes and minds to learn more about the menopause and impart that to the women we care for . A big huge thank you to Dr Louise Newson and to all her team, we are indebted to all of you. Regards and thanks, Sheila Barrett, Gynae/Colposcopy Nurse , Wexford General Hospital, Irealnd

(GP Trainee)   

1 out of 5

Terrible ping pong with me. ePortfolio not working FourteenFish says talk to Deanary and Deanary says not their problem talk to FourteenFish

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Very self explanatory on what to do and how to use. Very user friendly

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Really user-friendly, easy to navigate


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Definitely like the fourteenfish platform, very user-friendly. I think it's a bit tricky to understand the requirements when you're out of sync with the rest of the cohort but this platform definitely makes it a bit easier to understand.

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Great , helpful and well organized


5 out of 5

I have found the FourteenFish quite user friendly. Sometimes I wish there was a microphone option to dictate learning logs. I feel this would be a great feature for the FourteenFish. Thanks for all your hardwork.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Fast response to my query Keep it up


5 out of 5

better than the old MRCGP portfolio and easeir than Clarity for appraisals I would say

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

A clear easy to use platform. Thank you so much !


3 out of 5

not very user friendly. looks nice but complicated.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Easy to navigate .useful educational resources.


4 out of 5

It's great, but it would be even better if the site took you to the areas not signed off, I tried to send it to my appraiser but got a list of things to finish, but I am having a job to find them when I check all the sections!


5 out of 5

Very user friendly Nice lay out of training maps Very simple - no clutter


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

The brilliant transition from trainee to Salaried GP is quite nice though the GP page looks a bit cluttered with too many things.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Incredibly easy to use, links with an app which is handy too.

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

My feedback is that people write notes on my e portfolio , but I’m not able to reply to them back at you please help me to do this? Thank you so much in advance .

(Medical Educationalist)   

5 out of 5

I have used the Fourteen Fish appraisal template for the past three years. It has really simplified my appraisal preparation, and gives me confidence that I have submitted all the relevant information. I also find it easy to log CPD as I go using the App.

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

Very supportive Appraiser. Very patient and understanding approach Very empathetic and listened my concerns

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

3 out of 5

It is not as easy to navigate as Horus


5 out of 5

Has revolutionised the Appraisal process for me. Much easier, more of a narrative and feels supportive. Helps me look back on my year and plan for the future. Actually, a well spent and enjoyable few hours. Fourteen Fish on mobile App makes adding CPD easy, but I still always forget to do it.


4 out of 5

Good concept, well-laid out portfolio and user friendly. Quite expensive compared to other training specialty's portfolio counterparts however.

(GP Trainee)   

1 out of 5

I generally like fourteenfish although it took me time to become confident in using it. A suggestion; In clinical case reviews number of entries includes those not submitted. It would be better if only number of those submitted comes on front portfolio page so one doesn't overestimate thier entries.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5



4 out of 5

It would be good to be able to draft learning logs - similar to how email drafts work. If this feature is already available, it's not at all obvious. It would be useful to sort learning logs by date, category, draft, alphabetical etc. The function to send feedback surveys could be better. When you send MSF requests, the form to send leadership MSF disappears from the front page, which makes it look like you can't have two concurrent surveys. It turns out that you can, but you need to know where to look for the option to send them, It's important to remember that the person who designed the website might think it's obvious, but I don't live in their head, and it isn't obvious to me. There are some features which could be clarified - I don't have a list to hand, but there are things that move around on different screens and there are inconsistencies which make it hard to find what you are looking for sometimes. The website is really great and far better than the old portfolio. I really appreciate your continued efforts to improve it, and I don't mean to be negative - but you asked for ideas to improve it. Best wishes!

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

Generally quite easy to use. My only advice would be that sometimes options above reflection etc entires can be difficult to find or illogically located. Also navigating to entries made in different time periods can sometimes be difficult.


5 out of 5

Been very good, slick, clear, enjoyable to use


5 out of 5



5 out of 5


(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Brilliant and exceptional website with plenty to share

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Very user friendly portfolio platform. Has useful tips everywhere and great navigation.


5 out of 5

Easy to navigate and has made portfolios much better!

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

As an appraiser it would be useful to be able to use bold/italic/underline and bullet points. Is it possible to add these options?


5 out of 5

fourteensfish website has been very useful and easy to navigate. No issues encountered while using it.


3 out of 5

Please would you put a shortcut button to 'All Entries' on the header menu? Thanks


5 out of 5

very easy to use and navigate, much better than CLarity toolkit I have used previously


3 out of 5

I feel that may parts of this website are good but others are very clunky, it is often not clear how to access certain sections of the portfolio. I also dislike that when an ESR has been signed off you can only see a summary and are not able to go back and review previous supporting documentation etc which often contains valuable learning resources and reflections. I feel that as this is a training portfolio, it would be useful to be able to review all aspects of the portfolio over time and not see large sections consigned to history at the end of every 6 months!


5 out of 5

Really user-friendly. Has made preparation for appraisal easier.


4 out of 5

I enjoy it BUT very annoying when after each entry is submitted the page jumps to the top so you have to scroll down for the next entry /comment


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

I think the platform is excellent for the GP learning portfolio and can see that there is continuous updates done to make it better. I found the consult software intuitive to use to record consults and Mark Coombes teaching videos are second to none. I think something that could be worthwhile is having a separate OOH/UUSC section for recording the out of hours work and reflections as uploading documents and typing reflections can result in some doubling up of information, as well as it not being too easy to track what you've done. If you could integrate the passport, competencies and reflections of this nature into another section of the portfolio instead of excel spreadsheets and word documents, I think it would work really well for future trainees. Overall though really impressed with Fourteen Fish. Thanks again. John


3 out of 5

A suggestion about exam results, it should be optional to have outcome of results of exam on the wall. Not a good feeling being reminded of an unsuccessful outcome of result.


5 out of 5

a very good and organised portfolio and easy to use

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

Great website


5 out of 5

User friendly, great platform for education


3 out of 5

stable but slow, process/sequences are not intuitive, use is often extremely frustrating as the menu or sequence of actions often seems obscure or vague


5 out of 5

Easy to use, I can easily do the entries and link them.


5 out of 5

(Physician Associate)   

5 out of 5

User friendly


5 out of 5

I have found this has made my appraisal process super easy and easy to organise. Many thanks


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

have found this very useful could you remove the 50 cpd aspect of this now though?


4 out of 5

I am now getting familiar with fourteen fish and finding it user friendly. The one exception however is the ease with which PDP items can be entered by the trainee to create a timely PDP and then complete it ready for the next review. This seems to be confusing trainers and trainees in equal measure.

Our reply: Thanks for your feedback. Sorry about to hear about the PDP. We are conscious it isn't as good as we would like it and are actively working to improve it soon.


5 out of 5

love it


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

I used Fourteen Fish to assist me in doing a Patient Survey. I now work almost exclusively by phone and was pleased to be able to send texts to patients immediately after the consultation. Not surprisingly the % reply rate was low but the system worked excellently.


5 out of 5

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

Honestly, I can't believe it, it's amazing! I have just changed from a region where I was obliged to use the MAG. So had nothing but that for years, but always loathed it. The world is transformed. (It's so obvious it's GPs who design and run it - no one else would get it so right. Haven't found anything to criticise yet at all!!!) It does everything I'd want or wish for before I've even realised! (In the unlikely event I find something I'd like different, I'll let you know!)


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Easy to use intuitive,

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

I think I’m in awe of rca tool . Despite being a dyslexic I am easily able to manoeuvre through the rca tool. I highly recommend all the trainees to use this tool for recording consultations. If another form / template could be added for tutorials / teachings HDR/ FDRs With a link to attach to PDPs or to clinical reviews as a proof of addressing DENs


5 out of 5

(Community Doctor / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5


3 out of 5

Unable to upload documents. Quite a frustrating experience.

Our reply: Hi Maryam. Really sorry to hear that as you certainly can upload documents either through the app or on the website. Please can you reach out to us on support if you are still having an issue with this and we will make sure its sorted for you.


5 out of 5

This platform seems straightforward, easy to use and simple. Took some time adjusting to the system but ,overall, it's fantastic.


5 out of 5

Yes I enjoy it a lot! The videos are excellent.


5 out of 5

Its so easy to use, and can't explain my deep gratitude for providing us free access to Dr Newson's course. Many Thanks.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

It’s a great platform, very intuitive. I’d love a fully functional app rather than just learning log submission


5 out of 5

So far I am LOVING using fourteen fish. I am preparing for my first appraisal(1 year delayed due to covid) and I am so impressed with the ease of filling it out. Everything is outlined and the interface ie very user freindly. It also doesn't allow you to send your work to your appraiser until every box is ticked and most helpfully gives you the list of things yet to do with a link stiaght to that page. Could not be any happier with it!


5 out of 5

It has been easy to use the portfolio with Fourteen Fish. It has made lot easier to get the self ratings done for ESR


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

When I started it seemed very difficult to use but after watching the video and discussing with other STs, it become easier for me.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

just switched over from another platform, this is much simpler, feels much more intuitive and is cheaper. Very happy with switching.


5 out of 5

The fourteen fish platform is very easy to navigate through and helps make the training and e-portfolio experience very seamless.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

i have just changed from the MAG form - wow THANKYOU!!! so easy to use, am doing my 360 feedback aswell using this, aswell as my education, what a great portfolio tool - well done you!!


5 out of 5

This is amzaing platform & easy to navigate! I like the linking functions, the mapping of training progression & the use of AI! I will likely continue using it post CCT


5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5

On usual full timer needs to have min3 action plans and min.2 PDPs however, as LTFT per rotation we have two ESR and double action plans and double PDPs. I feel that the system favours the full timer.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

This is one of the best resources I have seen re RCA preparation as it has specific and detailed learning re how to consult well, example videos, community questions answered by a very senior medical educator, and a menu of educational videos about clinical topics. I think all GPST2-3 trainees should have access to this package.


3 out of 5

There are few things which needs improvement. Like survey - trainee should have access tor resend MSF and patient satisfaction questions. As sometimes accessor ask if you could send again.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Yes I am. The content of the Education Library section has really been helpful in impacting essential knowledge concerning GP practice, how to maneuver ones way without difficulty. Increased knowledge make significant impact on time management, identifying differential diagnosis and red-flags during consultation.


5 out of 5

Way easier than Clarity. Some of the navigation is not intuitive, but just a question of familiarity.


5 out of 5

Really impressive response from Jo Rees and the web team - correcting mistakes, moving log entries to the correct review periods, fixing bugs and generally making my life a lot less stressful as a trainer. Thank you


5 out of 5

It’s so so good! Easy to use! I am now adding reflections weekly. I love being able to select my own curriculum and competencies as I can keep a track on coverage rather than waiting for ESR. It makes ESR form easier to fill to reflections more focused.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Easily accessible, and guides you through competencies. Very user friendly and easy to engage with.


5 out of 5

I have really enjoyed the new format. It is more practical and more effective. Trainees are able to demonstrate learning and development of capabilities.


5 out of 5

Yes, I think the layout works much better and ESR Preparation is easier as copies entries from logs. Also I like that there is an App that can directly upload video consultations to Fourteen Fish.


4 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

its very user friendly and most of all I am impressed with its technology and interface


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

i find the system really easy to use and access, i think assessors have found the same. The visual aid oflogs done is also nice


5 out of 5

Excellent, very user friendly!


3 out of 5

My main concern is that when I submit -etickets to my colleagues for example for an assessment or feedback the title of the email is 'Fourteen Fish'. Many have ignored this ticket, labelling it as spam or thinking it was from a dating website. Otherwise, the portfolio seems to be working well to me.


5 out of 5

Much more intuitive than the Royal College portfolio and more user friendly as well as allowing to be more time efficient. It’s a vast improvement!


1 out of 5

There is a lack of support for a new platform that users are still struggling with. Other than that, it's quite a comprehensive platform.


4 out of 5

I certainly think the new GP training portfolio system is much improved to previous


5 out of 5

Very easy to navigate the portfolio. I love it


5 out of 5


3 out of 5

Some of document aren't visible to TPD by default. Causing major stirrup in presenting evidence for panel review.


5 out of 5

This is a fantastic platform! It's very well thought out, user-friendly and provides all the necessary prompts to complete the appraisal process. I find I actually enjoy adding information and uploading CPD, and it has helped me to appreciate the importance of appraisal rather than considering it a big inconvenience. The changes made to the template during the time of Covid have been very good. If you ask for help it is provided quickly and efficiently. Well done FourteenFish.


4 out of 5

It would be good as on the previous Eportfolio to be able to send the learning needs at the end of a clinical case review to a PDP in order to use these appropriately


5 out of 5

Overall, I think Fourteen Fish is an excellent resource. For eportfolio, it's relatively intuitive and makes linking to competencies very easy. I also like the small visualisation of which patient groups and competencies you have portfolio entries for. Also the AKT preparation material is a very good basis


5 out of 5

Excellent platform. It has certainly made keeping up with my e-portfolio and ESR prep less tedious.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Videos are very very helpful.


5 out of 5

Slick and intuitive. Appraisals couldn't be any easier. Looking forward to seeing the new trainee ePortfolio platform which fourteenfish are developing for the RCGP.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Lovely, easy to use. Adore the learning log app. Out of all the toolkit options this is the best for myself as an appraisee & appraiser.

(Hospital Doctor / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Thanks for being so helpful - it's a great package that is surprisingly easy to use! Actually, it's almost fun!

Our reply: Thanks Mark! "almost" 😀


5 out of 5

Fourteenfish has made doing appraisals so much easier. I have the learning diary app and, since I started using it, I know longer have the annual appraisal dread! I would recommend to all GPS.


5 out of 5

Lovely modern interface, easy to use and intuitive. Works with red Whale etc. I'm switching.

(GP / Appraiser)   

1 out of 5

I really hate the new set up. Where is everything? It used to be so clear. It is not intuitive. It should be. You have succumbed to the "we must change things otherwise what is the point of us" virus.

Our reply: Hi Pippa, we're really sorry that you're finding the new design worse. If you're able to give any more specifics then please contact us on

(GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

I find the new changes to website difficult. It needs to be clearer on the front page to get to my appraisal material


5 out of 5

I have never liked appraisals and am not computer literate at all. Your app and website are excellent.User friendly and very easy to navigate. Thank you for saving me hours of work!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Finally switched to fourteen fish after becoming an appraiser and realised just how easy it is to record CPD/ QIA and reflect as you are going along. Brilliant. Got all our nurses switched onto it too!!

(Hospital Doctor / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

very easy to navigate and saves everything. However, the document limit of attachments is quite small: I was unable to send any evidence to my appraiser although the attachments are there for the day I suppose.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Having used the AKT package and enjoyed the library modules, I returned to use the CSA package this year. It was helpful to see a range of different consultations demonstrated in this package, particularly those with the traffic lights and examiner feedback, to focus in on what the consultation achieved but also what else could be done. As commented before, I found the range of topical updates and clinical library helpful for CSA prep, as not only do they revise the conditions but they also cover the most up-to-date guidance. I think to make this package even better, it would be good to add more CSA-style consultation videos on a greater range of conditions. Furthermore, having some CSA-focused examination videos would be good i.e. showing what can be achieved in 1-2 minutes, for example. Thanks to all the FourteenFish team for this helpful revision package :)

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I like the new look: less cluttered, more focused. Well done!


5 out of 5

The CSA toolkit was a major reason for me to do very well in my CSA exams. Changing my consultation style, especially getting psychosocial history, after watching Dr Coombe's Video made a huge difference to my approach and I was able to get so much out from the patient's during the exam without much effort. The library videos were useful revision for both AKT and CSA. The question style in mock AKT were very helpful during the exams. Overall I would strongly recommend FourteenFish to anyone taking AKT exams and especially before starting CSA preparation as it changes your approach to exams.

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

My honest review of the AKT package is as follows - There are some key topics explored here, the majority of lectures are presented effectively, logically and organised to really promote good learning. Others could arguably be too long and may benefit from being streamlined. The community aspect, especially Mark Coombe's involvement is excellent - he exhibits clear signs of an excellent teacher - enthusiastic, encouraging and knowledgeable, not just with clinical medicine, but with exam techniques and information regarding the AKT structure etc. The question bank is excellent although it could be organised better e.g. perhaps grouped into topics, being able to ensure you are only ever seeing 'new' questions vs seeing the same ones sometimes on multiple occasions. Overall this is an excellent tool for focused learning - you will need to put the time in, I did watch through all 50+ lectures, not just the ones I felt I was weaker at. I then did multiple mock exams (but not overly obsessively). My live exam score reflected that of my mock exam. I would like to say thank you to Mark Coombe and recommend this to anyone approaching the AKT. Riz - GPST3

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

I have used other online revalidation tools designed for nurses and I have found Fourteen Fish to be the best by a long way. I have just revalidated with the NMC and have found the process to be seamless and straight forward. My nursing colleagues are so impressed with Fourteen Fish they are planning to sign up tonight for their own revalidation this evening.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Thank you so much for helping me to pass the AKT first time! I found the modules so helpful particularly when faced with the thought of reading NICE guidelines on my own and trying not to fall asleep! The AKT community is great, it was comforting to see other people struggling with the same topics as me and Dr Coombe replies very quickly. I will be joining the CSA package soon!


4 out of 5

Very useful and practical. Learned a lot from the clinical updates, passed my MCQ with a 4!! Also, the appraisal toolkit and compliance passport is really helpful to order all the required documents. It gives a good overview of all the achieved requirements so far.


4 out of 5


1 out of 5

After a few minutes of any module the film stops. Both voice and picture.

Our reply: I'm sorry you are having trouble with this, if you can get in touch with we will be able to look into this further for you.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

very user friendly, I like that I can add info throughout the year so its not an onerous task come appraisal time


4 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(Occupational Health Doctor / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

really clear and useful interface with good navigation and intuitive layout. I miss the capacity to classify QIA that Clarity had, and would welcome that, but it#'s not a game changer.

Our reply: Thanks Tim. You certainly can classify QIA with our system. Please contact our support if you are still not clear and we can walk you through it (there is now a new QIA link from the appraisal overview screen if that helps).


4 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

very happy with the toolkit as an appraiser and appraisee thank you for all your support


1 out of 5

Would not recommend this for AKT revision. Questions on here were nothing like those asked in the exam, mock exam has repetitive questions, videos are very dry and I kept falling asleep watching them. Passed AKT first time by abandoning this site and moving to the normal online revision banks which are much better.

Our reply: We appreciate your feedback and are sorry to hear that our revision style doesn't suit you, but glad to hear you passed your AKT.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(Medical Educationalist)   

5 out of 5

Everything you need for someone working in the NHS.


5 out of 5

Superb resource emailing learning to my appraisal diary works perfectly for me.


4 out of 5

It would be really helpful if you could add an automatic spell checker function to the appraisal text boxes.

Our reply: We have not added this as most browsers now include spell checking. Please get in touch if we can help with this.


4 out of 5

(Other (non-clinical) / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I continue to recommend Fourteen Fish to GPs as it is so much more user friendly that the other appraisal-recording options. It's easy to use, and makes it so simple to record CPD as you go (either by email into your Learning Diary, or using the app). I've enjoyed the free learning modules and even learnt something new about the treatment of hayfever this year.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

A great daily tool for recording entries with ease. I have tried other appraisal tools but this is by far the best!


4 out of 5

It would be great if the mobile phone app had some greater functionality - ie sharing post from within the app within communities.

Our reply: Thank you for the Feedback - we are always looking for ways we can improve!


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

can we be able to add complaints and compliments and other feedback from the app please? I'd like to be able to take a picture from my phone and immediately link it in to the section on the app rather than opening the web browser and navigating there.

Our reply: Thank you - we appreciate the feedback.

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Excellent site for the appraisal.


5 out of 5

I used Fourteen Fish whilst revising for AKT and found it hugely useful but have also found your library modules are a good way of keeping up-to-date in day-to-day practice too. I passed AKT with a good score, with particularly high scores in stats and admin sections, which I must say is hugely as a result of your modules! I really like how it is set up differently from most other revision resources, with the focus taken away from just doing questions from a bank, but instead focusing on truly understanding the information and being up-to-date, which ultimately results in much longer-term retention for clinical practice too, rather that just for exams. I look forward to continuing to use it, including for CSA next year!


5 out of 5

Brilliantly flexible and intuitive I am going to start using the learning diary as my next step. 14 Fish has made keeping a CPD log fun and easy to do in my working life. I have found going between years of appraisal a bitlaboured but otherwise it’s great.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Great tool generally, and the new compliance passport is so helpful for locum GPs to save attaching loads of files and emailing them all the time.


4 out of 5

fairly simple and unpretentious

(Locum GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I am only using the learning diary at present but find it very useful - I have recommended this toolkit to many of my appraisees


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

It would be useful to be able to link CPD/QIA entries to the GMC domains in the pre-appraisal prep page. Apparently other appraisal tools do this and it is easier for the appraiser to see evidence.

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to feedback. We are always looking for ways that we can improve our site and will certainly look at this for future updates.

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

I really like the video format and I think it covers all the typical areas really well...and makes me feel less nervous too :)

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

very user friendly website with quick responses from the team on any queries sent via email.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

I am really enjoying using Fourteen Fish! I use it while at a learning event to add notes and even reflections on my way home on the train. It would be super great if I could take a screen shot or a picture of my learning event certificates to add to the learning diary on my phone app.

Our reply: Thanks for the feedback - we are working on this to add to the App, but in the meantime you can email your screenshot /picture to and it will be added to your Learning Diary.


4 out of 5

Generally very good however, given that this is a professional website, I think you need to tackle a number of spelling errors and grammar on slides...

Our reply: Thank you for the range of feedback you have provided - we appreciate your comments. We are currently in the progress of overhauling our site and will ensure all aspects are checked.


5 out of 5

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

I really enjoy using it.


5 out of 5

Very good system for appraisal

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(Community Doctor / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

As per e-mail exchange - better instructions on editing the summary post appraisal.


5 out of 5

I am really satisfied with videos and subjects chosen. It's very helpful when you add some documents related to the subject. However, it would be better to record again 2 or 3 videos (when the rates is 2 or 3 stars). I just passed my MCQ exam today and it is unfortunate that the MCQ test had absolutely nothing to do with the teaching and revision of Fourteen Fish. Fourteen Fish is, fortunately, very close to the daily GP practice.

Our reply: Thank you for your review. We endeavour to ensure our library covers a broad spectrum to accommodate GP's daily practice as well as content to support a wide variety of exams, situations and questions. We are however continually looking at where we can make improvements and thank you for your feedback.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(Practice Manager / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

You don't make it very clear how to work the system for appraisals. I've paid three subscriptions for appraisals and it is saying on the staff members account that it hasn't been paid for yet on mine it says it has

Our reply: I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the system, please email Support@Fourteenfish at anytime where we will happily look into this for you.

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

(Hospital Doctor)   

3 out of 5

I have enjoyed the layout of the site. It been easy to use and learn. Please allow option of email through the patient feedback forms. Please have a function to export to MAG form if the appraiser prefers the form. Please ensure the learning diary appears in all the appraisals.

Our reply: We are always happy to receive emails into Support@Fourteenfish, and if you are having difficulty with anything including uploading the forms we will happily help you through the process, receiving them into the mailbox if necessary. Our Appraisals are accepted across the whole of England, however should an Appraiser be resistant to them we can always contact them directly to talk it through.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

absolutely fabulous tool for appraisals and keeping my learning tracked. I really appreciate the communities as well. Always respond to any issues promptly and resolve them rapidly. Amazing job. Thank you

Our reply: Thank you for your lovely feedback, our support team will be thrilled to hear it!


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

great ! so easy to use

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(Administration Staff / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Fantastic customer service! nothing is to much trouble. makes appraisal administration easy.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Have found the FourteenFish website is proving invaluable both for my personal learning and appraisal but also the Communities element for helping to develop a virtual community of practice for a small medical education charity. Great feedback from everyone who has joined up after I have shared my experience with them.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Love the new compliance passport as a way to collect all my mandatory training evidence in one place and the ability to share it with the practice manager / governance lead in my various roles without duplicating effort. Win-win


4 out of 5

I would like to see somewhere to hold requirements for other roles eg my hospital mandatory requirements eg blood transfusion so i have them all in one place. Somewhere to hold and uptodate CV as well so again everything could be exported in one when applying to a new job


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

This is, by far and away, the best appraisal package I have used. I love it's versatility, its flexibility, it's simplicity and it's helpful links and overviews. Thank you team, keep up the good work!


4 out of 5

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5

It just makes appraisal almost effortless! Thank you so much!


5 out of 5

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

It would be nice to be able to access the slides from the presentations.

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

Am loving using Fourteen Fish so far; have moved over from MAG and this is SO much more user friendly. So many useful tools. The only thing I might suggest is the ability to upload PDFs and photos in the Learning Diary app as I tend to hand-write and take photos at teaching events.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

wish I'd signed up months ago. The strength of the toolkit lies in it's simplicity. £42 well spent.


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Amazing toolkit - well worth the investment and they are fab at getting back to you very quickly with any advice! Why everyone is not using it, is beyond me?

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Great way to share and communicate

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

This appraisal toolkit is excellent for appraisers as well as for appraisees. The concept and design are extremely transparent, slick and practical. The navigation is amazingly intuitive and fast, which really helps my preparation for an appraisal meeting. In fact, it makes the entire appraisal process including sign off etc. much, much easier than any other on-line appraisal toolkit I know. I hope that more doctors will use FourteenFish instead of these other, much clunkier options, which I frankly silently dread every time, when I am faced with them. FourteenFish is a win-win all around, both for doctors using it, as well as their appraisers.


5 out of 5

Yep - going great with the appraisal kit thanks...Looking forward to transferring the data from the mag form...Hope it is still slick! Thanks

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Revolutionary to appraisal and revalidation process - recommend to my GP colleagues frequently.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Love It ! - Made the whole process of NMC Revalidation really easy, and at a very affordable price, now continuing to use Fourteen Fish to maintain my portfolio too. Thanks

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Really annoying that roles entered once are not carried forward,could you try to sort this pls? Thanks


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

I passed AKT the very first time despite having a rough time in life due to family health issues. Most importantly, I have to thank fourteen fish team for their invaluable contribution to my success. I scored an overall of 73% and I still can't believe this!!!! Thanks Dr Mark Coombe for all your support


5 out of 5


5 out of 5



5 out of 5

I found the AKT package incredibly helpful, from the information about the preparation (especially the target of an hour a week for 3 months), the exam itself (eg how to use the review function) and the subject videos. I must have watched almost all of them, and found they helped me vary my revision and make it more meaningful to my day to day work in general practice. I was very pleased to score 86.5%, with 85% for both clinical and evidence questions, and 100% in the organisational questions.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

FourteenFish are very helpful and fast in dealing with technical problems and I really like the data format. The app on my phone makes remembering to log things contemporaneously much easier.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Love it as an appraiser & an appraisee. Easy to use & I like the continual responsive development of the website.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Really easy to use and feels intuitive. Logically set out for GPs and appraisers to use. Thank you for making my role easier!


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

I found this toolkit easy to navigate and user friendly. The support staff are very helpful and easy to reach by email or phone. For me it is life changing, it took the pressure of the preparation process of the appraisal. Definitely recommend it. Thank you


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

tip top appraisal tool kit

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Could do with a case discussion template for easier recording

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

love it


5 out of 5

It’s proving very easy to use- only started 4 weeks ago and I feel comfortable with it already. I like the fact you can record your personal notes ( not visible on the appraisal document ,but still entered in the same place ) alongside your reflections and learning points ,and also are able to attach relevant documents if needed . Very smooth- and also accessible anywhere you have internet .


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

I haven't used FourteenFish for an appraisal yet, but plan to as it has been very easy to use, with lots of good features. One improvement would be the ability to format text in the learning diary (bold/italics/bullets/etc) as this would make learning points and reflections easier to read. Thanks for the good work!

Our reply: We are hoping to add this feature in the future – thanks for the feedback :)


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Fantastic website - Simple and easy to use. Makes appraisal so much easier. Would highly recommend.


5 out of 5

Really pleased for the chance to move away from the traditional MAG form to the innovative Fourteenfish website


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Very useful especially for NMC revalidation. User-friendly interface.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Now my 5th year of using Fourteenfish for my appraisal and it just keeps on getting better !! Thank you 😀

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Wonderful you made it so comfortable I'm flying I thought I would give up at the start think you.

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

4 out of 5

Pretty good for my needs so far. I would also like the ability to split my MSF / PSQs between my different roles and see the results of the different groups of responses without needing to do separate surveys (ie still have the same number of minimum total responses, but see the separate analysis). The PUNS & DENs entry option is good, but they appear to be recorded separate to QUIP, but I feel they should be a subset of QUIP?

Our reply: Thanks for that feedback and we will look at this for surveys. We normally try and work things out for users who require split feedback like this so do please get in touch if you need this again. We decided to put PUNS & DENS in the CPD section rather than QIA but we will review this again with our appraisal strategy group the next time we meet.

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

easy to use, nice to look at , and great that there is the mobile app as well. Thank you!


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Good...follow on session would be good with more complex analysis.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Really impressive. Fourteenfish makes the appraisal process so much easier. Any queries are always responded to very quickly. I like the phone app for quickly capturing episodes of learning.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

excellent, easy to use. Thanks

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Really useful, intuitive, pragmatic site. Well laid out and it looks really good. Keep it simple!


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Really useful website, helping me consolidate my knowledge for the AKT exam, feel like I am retaining more by learning in this way.


5 out of 5

It's a great appraisal toolkit. Specially as it provides us with full package for appraisal and revalidation with its own collegue and patient feedback facilities. Finally it has an excellent video learning module to learn, refresh and accrue CPD credits for appraisal and revalidation.. Having said that I still find a bit confusing few terms like Tags, Roles, Filters .


5 out of 5

I am retiring yipee!! I will not be completing an appraisal this year I have had enough and I am escaping. I did find Fourteenfish excellent, it really eased the pain! Well done to all first rate product.


4 out of 5

excellent. has helped a technophobe like me log learning. still wish appraisal were not annual

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5


4 out of 5

Change language to UK rather than american!

Our reply: Sorry about this – please let us know if there are any specific areas where we've accidentally used US English.


5 out of 5

Easy to use, comprehensive, the best appraisal recording system I've used yet

(Practice Nurse)   

4 out of 5

I am not that good with IT there are some things in 14 fish that are very logical and then others I struggle to get the IT working the way I need it to. So far I have found ways around it. My main struggle is getting the items I send in from my e mail to go into the right places. If I struggle further I will contact you. Thank-you. The over all I am very happy with.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

very easy to use and supports personal development-thank you


5 out of 5

I used Fourteen Fish for the first time this year. I can honestly say it was worth every penny - this was the least stressful and hassle free preparation I have ever had for an appraisal.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

The library resources were very useful to me in preparing for the CSA. Thanks.


5 out of 5

Just signed off my 5th appraisal using FourteenFish- it makes the process as simple, streamlined and seamless as possible, thanks so much!


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Thank you. I think your appraisal platform is fabulous. I am a complete fan, and am persuading my colleagues to switch too. So pleased to say goodbye to the MAG form!


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

brilliant - really value the communities tool and of course the appraisal offer

(GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

Adding a new email address results in a barrage of emails asking you to confirm and then it says something has gone wrong and you can't do it... I went through this process about ten times before it worked satisfactorily!

Our reply: So sorry about this - we can see this is confusing and have improved it.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Please increase the number of MCQs to practice with and more explanation. I would prefer a one stop I and R package

Our reply: Thank you for your feedback - we are adding more questions all the time and will continue to do so.


4 out of 5

allow online editing of size, colour, orientation of doors (especially as advice on uploading is so spectacularly confusing - says max 20mb but on submitting to appraisal says max 9mb - you need to address this). Otherwise - fantastic, am telling everyone about ease of use. Surprise me! Make it better.

Our reply: We are looking at some formatting options for learning entries so hopefully this is something you will see added in the New Year. Unfortunately the attachment limit is for limit the national system - on our system there is no limit but we need to enforce the size of summary that is sent to the NHS RMS. You can manage attachments from the appraisal page which means that the attachments are still on FourteenFish for your reference but don't contribute to a large appraisal summary.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

old dogs can learn new tricks! Despite being in my fourth decade as a doctor FourteenFish has been a delight to use enabling quick,immediate entries via my phone direct to my learning diary. Phil Taylor

(Practice Nurse)   

4 out of 5

So glad I used fourteen fish it organised me thank you M


5 out of 5


2 out of 5

The colleague and patient feedback forms are a nightmare to get hold off. I have paid for the forms twice and I still don't know where to look for them. Please sort this out !

Our reply: So sorry to hear you are having difficulty with this. We have contacted you about this separately but essentially you visit the feedback page once logged in then click Add new colleague or patient survey. Any problems please do get in touch and we always make sure we reply promptly.

(Locum GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(Locum GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

I would love the appraisal write up to save as I went along. It is so frustrating working with an intermitttent internet signal such as at Southern house to find that your words of wisdom have been written then lost for ever....Do \i really have to resort to writing a word document and then cutting and pasting?

Our reply: As long as Save is clicked the entries are saved even if later deleted. We are also looking on saving as you go and will keep you updated.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Simple and easy to use. Excellent response time from the administrative team for queries.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Excellent- takes the pain out of Appraisal

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Excellent- takes the pain out of Appraisal


5 out of 5

Easy to use, and good as an overall management tool

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Very good. I like as an appaiser too

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5


3 out of 5

Can't find any appraiser London NW who is using it? Therefore not yet assigned to an appraiser...

Our reply: I am very sorry to hear though you are struggling with finding an appraiser who is using our system. We are accepted all over NHS England and you should be allocated an appraiser by the appraisal service in your area. If an appraiser is not familiar with our system they don't need any training. We have always concentrated on making the system easy to use for appraisers and intuitive. We also make sure if they (or yourself as an appraisee) have any problems that we get back to them quickly and every support reply has a phone number on it.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Well laid out and easy to use. A great site that I always come back to.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I’ve already e-mailed Duncan with my thoughts.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

My daughter who is a trainee GP suggested Fourteen Fish to me. I found it very customer friendly and very efficient, this time I have just used it to complete my MSF and PSQ cycle as I am still registered with clarity at the moment. Thank You for sorting my feedback summaries so efficiently and with in such a short space of time. Thank you .


5 out of 5

Fourteen Fish is great, and my appraiser was very complimentary having used it with me for the 1st time during my last appraisal. I find it particularly helpful that it now syncs with I wonder about a couple of development options for the future: I've always struggle with the concept of PUNS/DENS (I find them a bit contrived & can never really remember the difference between the two) but I often have the need to record a brief bit of learning, and this year created my own table for this, with the columns: Description/Do I need to change my practice?/Further study or update needed?/Credits I wonder if it might be possible to include something like this in the learning diary so we could add stuff directly to it? The other thing is, much as I love DNUK its learning record is incredibly clunky, and I wondered if there was any possibility in the future that we could sync our stuff on there with Fourteen Fish? Anyway, thanks v much for being loads better and FAR more approachable than Clarity! Sarah

Our reply: Thanks Sarah. We have been meaning to add PUNS and DENS for a while and your review reminded me and was the push we needed so this is now on as a CPD template. We have asked DNUK before about this and we will approach them again. Meanwhile you can use the web clipper to easily get content from any webpage if that helps:

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

You're just brilliant. Easy to use; fantastic response to problems raised and continually tweaking/improving the service. Great effort team! Keep it up :)

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

I can add roles and tags on my app but struggle to do this when logged in. Find the app and main site very different to use

Our reply: Sorry to hear this is not clear - we are currently updating the way roles and tags are added on the main site so you should see this improving shortly.

(Other (non-clinical) / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Could you have the same input form on 'add new CPD item' as you have for the new item on Learning Diary please? It would be helpful to be able to assign new CPD in this way, rather than always going through the Learning Diary, and to be able to assign it to a role and a tag. Thanks, Zoe

Our reply: After being in contact this is now confirmed that it is the case.


5 out of 5

Simplistic and very Impressive with ever ready support team at hand, sheer pleasure to work with and stress free. Well done Fouteen Fish.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

So much easier than all the rest !!!

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

Hi guys, I am really enjoying doing my pre appraisal prep using the learning diary entries I have created over the year . Just hope the stupid MAG technical issues for locums can be overcome to integrate the diary etc I have a query / suggestion Several of my learning points involved references to algorithms and other online resources as well as a couple of scanned documents . Could 14F create a single access point reference point for my own document / resources Forgive me if that is already included in the "library" module. - but do tell me if so Donald McLintock

Our reply: Great to hear you are finding it useful. Our Communities area could do just that and if anything isn't clear please don't hesitate to get in touch.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

(Other Doctor / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

So much better than any other appraisal platform I have used, thank you.

(Other (non-clinical))   

4 out of 5

On the whole very useful and user-friendly - some of the video modules however are not presented in a very enthusiastic and clear way

(Nurse Practitioner)   

4 out of 5

this site is very easy to use and helped the Nurses re validation process so much easier- thank you


4 out of 5

I note that if on the iPhone App diary entries do not default to being added to the "Appraisal" This needs resolving (or I need educating in how to do it please) to save tedious back-coding down the line of individual entries. Thanks

Our reply: This should not be the case - they should be entered by default. If you visit the Learning diary page then click the link for Appraisal Settings on the right hand menu you will see if default is in appraisal is ticked - if not this is why (it is ticked by default).


5 out of 5

excellent even for a computer luddite !

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

Excellent revision material .

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Brilliant to use as appraisee and popular with appraisers. Glad we insisted that NHSE recommend it after a shaky start (by them).

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

This site just works so well, for appraisee and appraiser.


3 out of 5


5 out of 5



5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

FourteenFish have continually improved their format and platform, and I found this year that it was the easiest and most intuitive it’s been. It made the process of compiling my appraisal much quicker and generally far less onerous than in previous ones. 4, rather than 5 stars? Got to have something to aim for! Well done, and thank you.


5 out of 5

So much better than the magmaf forms!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Best of the lot! Easy and relevant as both GP and appraiser. Learning diary is a life (well time!) saver.


5 out of 5

Really helpful content. Enjoyable and informative AKT prep videos. I like the learning log too also, which I have just started using.


5 out of 5

More curriculum cover please : )


4 out of 5

Excellent service. Thank you team .


4 out of 5

please consider having a case reflection template, this could be added to either QIA or CPD section Please consider changing the credits to be able to enter time spent and then auto-calculated cpd value. e.g. 5mins. 10min, 15mins and they're equivalent. Please consider having a learning diary section to save the CPD section getting clogged with 100's of 5m entries. Otherwise a brilliant appraisal tool, easy to use, app easy to download, dashboard very helpful. I will be switching to using this one solely for future use. The psq's were done in a very timely manner and were dummy proof! The helps sections wee focused, relevant and simple to use.

Our reply: Thanks so much - always appreciate any feedback and suggestions. The Learning Diary is exactly that and you can decide which CPD entries to have in your appraisal by clicking Manage what's in my appraisal. We did have time spent before and we will look at adding this back.

(Locum GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

hugely user friendly site, thank you!


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

There are a few modules now where I have noticed they mention documents or links will be attached but then are sadly missing. Similarly, links to current NICE CKS or guidelines would be useful

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

Great, easy to use.

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Great tool. There is a bug however - if you complete the general reflections text box for compliments and complaints, and then add individual complaint items, it seems to delete what was written in the text box.

Our reply: Thanks for taking the time to review the site and letting us know about that. The reflection has to be saved first before adding a new item and we will review the page design to try and make that more clear.


4 out of 5


1 out of 5

Our reply: So sorry to hear you rate our site 1 out of 5. Please get in touch to let us know how we might be able to improve.


4 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

easy to use . excellent support if struggling with any IT issues


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

A good update thanks


5 out of 5

Early to FourteenFish but I really like how easy it was just now to change a CPD to a QIA

(GP Trainee)   

1 out of 5

(Administration Staff)   

5 out of 5


3 out of 5

A useful website / service / app but it has a rather clunky counter-intuitive interface. I am trying to complete a 360 but am unable to find the link to self-assessment do am unable to proceed. No search facility for this site other than for FAQ. The app is more limited than the website which is a shame as so many of us work predominantly on smartphone or tablets.


5 out of 5

Made easy work yet again


4 out of 5

Very informative. However, presentation style could be improved. Reading off slides does not really add anything to my learning. Mixing up presentations with pictures, style of power point would energise it!

(GP Trainee)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Learning diary is fabulous and links so well with phone App. Web clipper is very good too. Going to try out the Appraisal toolkit this year; looks very intuitive and, being web-based, will mean I am much more likely to fill it in as I go along.


3 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

4 out of 5

Brilliant website for organising all my relevant documents relating to revalidation. Very easy to update and use. Rather than having lots of certificates and bits of paper, I am now tidy and can be paper free. The videos are very informative too. I have just submitted and am confident it will all go through ok and that I have all the evidence online on this site if I need it.


4 out of 5

(Other Doctor)   

5 out of 5

100% this is so much easier to use than the excessively regimented RCGP appraisal setup and various others that I have tried, who are not intuitive and are leaden to use, with part-time technicians on the phones . It is great not to be timed out and lose your info if something happens during your entries. Congratulations to all the fourteen fish who worked on this website. Added bonus- there is always someone who is a doctor (or more intelligent )listening and watching when you contact the 14Fish, but do use the FAQ, they are good faqs. ........perhaps I should subtract my feedback or too many people will join up and the site will suffer from over-expansion......... Thank you for making a thankless desert of a task quite a bit easier, more intuitive and clear.

Our reply: Thanks that's really great to hear!


4 out of 5

Thanks a useful update


5 out of 5

Even I found it easy to use! so it must be great. Will make CPD and appraisals much easier to record and update.

(Practice Manager / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

This was a fantastic service and really easy to use - we got a good response and I think it was a really easy process - will definitely be using you again.

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

I am extremely please with fourteenfish! It is intuitive, easy to enter information, synchronises immediately across website/ phone app which is incredibly helpful, will export info into NMC documents, generally a fabulous tool. Many thanks!


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

(GP Trainee)   

5 out of 5

Dr.Coombe I did pass the AKT this time. Thanks for your awesome videos and tips. Really helpfull


5 out of 5

superb intuitive website


5 out of 5

Brilliant system ! highlighted warnings etc were very helpful to prevent missing data and the whole system was far less 'clunky' Far superior to MAGMAF used previously- thank you


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I have just signed off my pre appraisal documentation, and this has been even smoother than previous years. I like the improvements to the PDP. I am also an appraiser and refer this platform above others, thank you


5 out of 5

Excellent advice to help develop a structured and effective approach.


5 out of 5

really like the web clipper

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

This is my 3d appraisal using the Fourteenfish Toolkit which has been amazingly improved each year and now so simple to use. Great value for money : I could not be more happy! The Patients Survey and MSF are easy to set up and results promptly received. Most helpful.


4 out of 5

not sure I found putting the PDP entries in that easy, not very intuitive., perhaps just me otherwise compares well with severn site.

Our reply: Sorry about this - we have just completely updated the PDP as we were conscious it was not clear and to simplify it. Thanks so much for taking the time to feedback - always appreciated.


5 out of 5

This tool better every year- in ways I hadn't even realised I wanted- to make the process as painless (and useful) as possible.


5 out of 5

very good, Able understand the step up treatment and Dr.Coombs explained it very well.


5 out of 5

After passing the AKT I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff especially Dr Coomb for his support and help. I hope all my colleagues will have the same success.


5 out of 5

Thank you so much Dr Mark Coombe and team, I am overjoyed to let you know that I passed my AKT exam. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

This site has made my appraisal this year a calmer experience. It gets straight to the point and is user friendly. The support is amazing. They are very prompt with any queries. Thank you to the support team.


5 out of 5

so easy to use - and I love the Android app.


3 out of 5

Please can we have Save buttons at the top of the page as well!

Our reply: We will look at this for you. Thanks so much for taking the time to feedback.

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

So useful to be able to update the learning diary on the go. Very easy to use.


5 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Fantastic website. First time I've used it for my revalidation. It has made the whole process so much easier. Having the "chat" option was really useful and very efficient. Will definitely continue to use. Thank You


5 out of 5

So easy to use, clearly designed with busy doctors in mind.

(GP / Appraiser)   

3 out of 5

too slow and too many pages to flick from/to

Our reply: We are very sorry you feel this way. Please do let us know how you feel we could improve this as we are very keen to provide a system that is easy to use for appraisers and appraisees alike.


5 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Really easy to use. Conveinent as entries can be saved uncompleted and edited/completed at a later date. I have been recommending Fourteen Fish to everyone I discuss appraisals with. Thank you team.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

statistics video is very helpful .

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

I have found Fourteen Fish website to be a tremendous help with the revalidation process. Logging any CPD and or Professional Dev and reflective summaries has been so easy especially since the format was changed to meet the NMC requirements. Having any patient and colleague feedback logged and audited was just brilliant. The Online help was very responsive to any queries I had and quickly resolved any matters to enable me to move on with myrevalidation process. Overall a superb website. Many thanks for the support.

(Other (non-clinical) / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I would like to be able to delete entries on my PDP without going into each individual one to do an edit please. Fourteen fish is great and so much better than Clarity and the MAG form, both as an appraise and appraiser. I really like the new app for my phone which makes recording CPD really easy.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I love 14 fish - its made appraisal easy.


5 out of 5

Have just done your recent update module and managed to multitask by listening and getting a pile of ironing done. Excellent way of learning and keeping up to date.


5 out of 5

The website provides a personal, bespoke service. An IT query was answered and resolved within an hour of me submitting it. In addition, data from my previous portfolio was transferred seamlessly by the FourteenFish team - an excellent service. I would recommend FourteenFish to any colleague. Well done, and thank you!

(Other Doctor)   

5 out of 5

The best appraisal toolkit I have found!


5 out of 5

Much more memorable to watch presentation than read about it. Would be helpful if some of slide info could be provided to insert into the Learning Diary.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

1 out of 5

When I save what I have written, I lose the area I was on -most annoying feature

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to feedback and we are very sorry to hear you didn't have a positive experience. We have now modified this functionality as a result of your comments.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Excellent learning diary, tags are a lifesaver especially with gathering evidence for various roles Thanks for making this such a bespoke tool for us


5 out of 5

Replies to questions on Facebook inbox is swift and very helpful.thank you for the support, much appreciated.

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

thank you for simplifying and reassurance

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

First time I have used your toolkit as an appraiser. Really nice feature is the appraisal opening in a new window - so that you can flick backwards and forwards between the summary document and the evidence with ease.

(Practice Nurse / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Thank you for the revalidation video. I would have thought about retiring but Nicky made it seem very manageable. I will give it a go and try using the toolkit. thank you

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(Medical Leader (Doctor))   

5 out of 5

i have really enjoyed using this tool and also appreciate the prompt help when requested!

(Practice Nurse)   

4 out of 5

Terrific that the information I originally inputted has now been tranferred and uploaded into the NMC forms.. such a great help and time saver. Patient and Peer feedback forms really beneficial.


5 out of 5

I have nothing but full praise for this program, it has made my and my family's life lot easier as this year they hardly noticed the annual stress and distress during appraisal period. Thanks for making appraisal a doddle especially with learning diary. Good riddance MAG form..

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5


(Nurse Practitioner / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

By using Fourteenfish I felt confident submitting my application and feel totally prepared should my portfolio be recalled. I used all areas including the feedback surveys and felt very supported by your whole team.

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5

very good appraiser, very good appraisal helping and improving my career and my daily work.... good for me and good for patients


5 out of 5

I just wanted to feed back how amazing your iphone app is. My appraisal prep over the year has been simple, stress free and it has saved me about 2 days of preparation time! thank you!!


5 out of 5

Great service so far, many thanks

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

straight forward keeps to the basics and prepare documents. Learning log very helpful. Very good help and support if needed

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Now my 3rd year of using this appraisal toolkit and its even better than the year before ! Lots of simple looking but very effective changes have clearly been made- thanks for making my life easier.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

This is the best toolkit for appraisers. It is easy to navigate and sending the completed forms straight to the appraisal office saves lots of time.


5 out of 5

best toolkit yet

(Nurse Practitioner)   

4 out of 5

There doesnt seem to be an area for OH Practitioners just OH Drs? I am a Specilist Practitioner with a Degree in OH and a Masters in Public Health. I do not really 'fit' with the clinical NMC approach but this site is ideal. I will continue to populate an OH practice library/community and leave it open to all, hopefully others will join and add. Well done for developing this multi practitioner site to help all.


5 out of 5

FourteenFish made appraisal and revalidation process an effortless and pleasant exercise. It simply does what it says and online guidance prompts I liked best. Simply put it absolutely value for money. I am using this again for next appraisal.


5 out of 5

Thank you .. the ultimate user friendly toolkit.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I love the iPhone app for the learning diary as it is quick and efficient and allows me to capture all my learning on my phone. I also use the e-mailing facility to send myself learning notes and weblinks for my learning diary. Being an appraiser and having used the 3 main softwares for appraisals, I would rate this as number 1. Keep up the good work.


5 out of 5

Excellent. Nice and easy, I am still finding my way around.


5 out of 5

My third appraisal on this tool. It is very easy to use particularly importing learning activities. It almost makes me want to buy a better phone so that I can use the app! One feedback note. I have just set my revalidation date and there appears to be no way of going forward on the calendar drop down other by one month at a time , which is a lot of clicks to go forward 5 years.

Our reply: Thanks so much for the feedback. Great point regarding the dates and though you can just type a date in the future this isn't obvious so we will improve this.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

very easy great for first time online tool users keeps info all in one place - first time ever i have managed this

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

This was the first year I have used the revalidation toolkit (after checking with my appraiser that they used it too) and it has taken the pain of the clunky MAG form away and halved my prep time for the paperwork monster. I love the learning diary, that you can just send an email and that you can quickly add reflective notes and then tick to add to appraisal. I have recommended it to doctor and nurse colleagues. Great value for money and survey results turned around in less than one day -- brilliant! I will definitely use next year as well.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Made an enquiry using the online support and I was impressed by the speed and efficiency of the reply. Sorted my problem straight away. Thank you

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

once I've spent a few mins I think this will be an effective tool to use.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

This is a great site, very intuitive and easy to use.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

My appraisee and I had a very positive experience both uploading and reviewing the pre appraisal material and also in filling out the appraisal discussion/summary and completing all the necessary post appraisal documents. It was a very smooth and straightforward process, many thanks. I would also like to add that whenever I've needed to ask for technical support or have had any queries re the toolkit, I have always received a very prompt, helpful and friendly response.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Can I compliment you all at Fourteen Fish on this game-changing toolkit. This is the first year that I have kept up with logging CPD by using the main toolkit and mobile app on a regular basis and the intuitive nature of the design has made it extremely easy and an absolute joy. I wish you every success with its continued development as I cannot see why it shouldn't become the market-leader in revalidation toolkits.

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5

Thank you for your 'can do' attitude and 'no problem' approach which is why as an organisation you will succeed. My only feedback from colleagues is the name - some did not know to trust a 'fourteen fish' unsolicited e-mail approach and so did not complete the questionnaire (allegedly). I like the name, but get the point!


5 out of 5

Excellent service and would recommend to other colleagues

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5


5 out of 5

I have found this site very good and easy to use.

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

I have just completed a MSF for my appraisal and have found the service I received from FourteenFish to be excellent. I would definately recommend them to colleagues.


5 out of 5

The best appraisal website I have used.


5 out of 5

By far the best (of many) appraisal toolkits I have used. Easy to use and excellent support

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Just wanted to say a well done on producing a top drawer professional service. I am an appraiser and only hear positives from appraisees re the toolkit.

(Practice Manager)   

2 out of 5

I can never find where to add paper FFT feedback forms!

Our reply: We are really sorry about this. Our aim to provide a service that saves you time, is easy to use and value for money and we are obviously not achieving this for you. The link to enter paper forms is on the setup page for patient feedback, it is or you can just visit and there is a link if you are a member of staff. Following your feedback we have added this link to the home page for Patient Feedback. We have also added a feature so you can email members of staff with the instructions for this. We hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get in touch if anything isn't clear or if we can help with or improve anything.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Great, So much better than MAG3 and Clarity. Enables me to do my appraisal as I go along rather than the usual last minute panic.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Excellent. Very user friendly . Thank you. It is an extremely useful tool for revalidation and appraisal and I will recommend it to my friends.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

This toolkit is extremely useful and provides focus when reflecting on a study day or point of learning. Thanks

(Nurse Practitioner)   

5 out of 5

Excellent. So easy to use.


5 out of 5

Fantastic site. Thank you


5 out of 5

excellent , very user friendly and easily navigable. No fear now of data going missing, not uploaded etc on portable memory devices.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

best toolkit around!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Very helpful

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

2nd year of using the appraisal toolkit and even better this year - thank you !

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Thanks again for this amazing website, the annual appraisal now takes me about 1% of the time it took 'pre LMC learning' and I am forever thankful that the yearly horror is long gone, this is perfect!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

The learning log is fantastic, so easy to use , has transformed appraisal, thank you.


5 out of 5

Thanks for your prompt reply and excellent service - life savers for disorganised docs like me!


5 out of 5

Second appraisal using this after several years struggling with the Clarity (anything but!) system. Excellent- at last a site that has been designed with a mind to the lot of a GP in 2015!

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

Easy, consistent, efficient and prompt response.

(Practice Manager / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

As always pure simplicity thank you

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

The new FFT section is brilliant!

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Brilliant 5 star


5 out of 5

Even better than the 5* rating I gave last year; didn't have to enter demographics again; really, really intuitive & easy to use; noted some useful improvements.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

Truly this is an easy to use online facility. I have rarely come across one which describes itself so accurately. Well done


5 out of 5

Site is easy to use and clearly laid out. Most impressed with the surveys. Handling of results -very rapid and efficient

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

brilliant service so far, quick and easy to set up, very cost effective, easy to set up Friends and family link on our website, very impressed


5 out of 5

Really like this - clear, simple and uncluttered - also anytine I have had enquiries, Duncan Walling could not have been more prompt or helpful - hope to stick with this.

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5

Excellent.... has helped with the appraisal process no end. I will be recommending it to my appraises. Many thanks. Dr Eleanor Ivory AME and Appraiser


5 out of 5

FANTASTIC !! At last I have found the revalidation tool kit for me. It out performs the RCGP toolkit by miles and is cheaper too.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Brillant puts other sytems I have used to shame as so easy to use. The guides to each part useful. I felt supported in this appraisal

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Extremely prompt and courteous help and advice when needed. Site very easy to use (having used RCGP and Magmaf before) Highly recommend this toolkit.

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5

Excellent so far... only just started but all works well.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

Easy to use. Excellent, helpful and prompt support from the toolkit developers when I encountered some problems with incorrect email addresses.

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

Your site is clear and easy to follow -Just bought 2 "Lunch and Learns"-haven't even done them with the staff yet -just reading them -the content has impressed me...please do lots and lots more !!! One of the most informative,helpful,up to date sites around,thank you


4 out of 5

Very easy for this survey to be ignored. Subject line needs to give name of Clinician and to say that a reply is needed ASAP

Our reply: Thanks for your feedback. The subject of the email invite does include the name of whom the 360 is for but not the recipient and we will look at changing this. The email asks if the survey could be completed that week and we also send a reminder after 10 days automatically if it has not been completed by then.

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Easy and well laid out. I'd prefer the general comments box in the summary section first as this makes more sense to me. I could also do with a spellchecker?

Our reply: Thanks Stephen. We will have a look at moving the comments box. We haven't added a spellchecker as most browsers now include this as a default.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

(Other (non-clinical) / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Excellent package. Beats Clarity hands down. Simple and straightforward to use.


4 out of 5

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

So Easy to use it is brilliant


4 out of 5

I was a bit disappointed to see the RCGP have gone with Clarity for the ePortfolio. I have got a subscription to Clarity but find it quite complex to use. I used it for my first year but subsequently used the revalidation toolkit last year.

(Hospital Doctor)   

5 out of 5

Very good. Simple, anonymous giving the possibility of fairness.


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

fantastic.. so much better than the RCGP equivalent

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

just what the Doctor ordered . concise, relevant, quick. Thank you.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

Very well constructed site and easy to use with fast response to any problems. I have just been revalidated and the RO seemed very happy with the layout


1 out of 5

Difficult/non-intuitive to navigate around. It needs to be obvious how to email colleagues to appaise you & when these have been sent out.

Our reply: Thank you so much for taking the time to feedback. Our aim is to make it as intuitive and easy to use as we can and I am sorry that we have not managed this for yourself. We have revised the page that you are referring to and we hope this improves it.

(Nurse Practitioner)   

4 out of 5

i have found using this site easy and very user friendly. I think it would be a good option for nurses to use in the future for revalidation /appraisal purposes

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

The reason I have chosen to use this tool for my own appraisal (and as an appraiser I have experience with a lot of tools) is because the team are so responsive to suggestions for improvements that make it work for me (and my complex portfolio career). I am delighted with the learning diary and e-mailing notes in at the time of an event. I always used to struggle to remember the dates of education I had been to - now the e-mail is on the log and the detailed notes are available for reference without cluttering up the appraiser's overview.


4 out of 5

great and easy to use..much better than MAG. Only thing is I couldnt work out how to delete a quality improvement activity entry that I had accidentally entered twice

Our reply: Thanks so much for that. Sorry the deleting wasn't more clear - if you click on an entry the link to delete it is then on the bottom right. We will look at improving this.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

As an Appraiser in two Local Area Teams and therefore competent in all the available Toolkits, this is the best Toolkit I've used, really intuitive and saves typing time to allow more time for a professional appraisal.


4 out of 5

Really easy to use, very user friendly (easier than RCGP toolkit!) BUT my appraiser did not get it. The email to her got "lost" in cyberspace, so caused a bit of unnecessary panic on the day. If you could sort this out, I would give it 5 stars.

Our reply: So sorry to hear that your appraiser didn't get the initial email as this is naturally key to the whole process. We are reviewing this process to try and make sure this doesn't happen again.


5 out of 5

I find this an easy way to work thtough my appraisal. Some appraisors don't seem too keen however it suits my needs and IT skills.

Our reply: Thanks for reviewing and great to hear you like it. Sorry to hear the feedback about appraisers. Our feedback from appraisers is extremely popular and we want to make the system easy to use for appraisees and appraisers alike so please do get in touch if anyone has any issues.


5 out of 5

Easy to use and reliable.


5 out of 5

survey management is excellent and timely. learning log with ability to email in notes is brilliant much easier appraisal forms than mag forms!

(Nurse Practitioner / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Very pleased with the site. Easy to use, especially the e-mail learning facility. Set out well. 'What's left' is very useful. I like the on line portfolio and although trialled as part of the 'Wessex Pilot' I shall look forward to using in the long term. Thank you.


5 out of 5

Easy. Clear. Inclusive .Can use as you go throughout the year.

(Practice Nurse)   

5 out of 5

Excellent, easy toolkit to use to help keep all your professional development, learning, reflection and appraisal in one place.


3 out of 5

User friendly and clear so far.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Excellent site. Very user friendly and responsive. My comments last year had a good response..thank you.

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5



5 out of 5

This is a very useful site and I have used it for the past 12 months to record my updates and found it easy and valuable to use

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Excellent site - now on my second year of using the appraisal toolkit and very easy to bring our my last years information - made it all so much easier !!!! Thanks for your quick response time to my queries

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

This appraisal toolkit is fantastic. Easy to use, easy to transfer information into and easy to access wherever I am. Thank you.


5 out of 5

(Nurse / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Fantastic tool for nurses has been needed for a long time


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Great site for organisation of appraisal and support through the process

(Practice Manager)   

5 out of 5

easy to navigate


5 out of 5

Easy to use , clear website and efficient turn around on surveys. Any chance you could include a standard deviation figure on the results rather than just the average? It would be useful to have some idea of the spread of results.


5 out of 5

I used this site for my patient and colleague surveys. Simple, clear and efficient to use. I will recommend it to my colleagues.

(Practice Nurse)   

4 out of 5


3 out of 5

(Locum GP)   

3 out of 5


5 out of 5


5 out of 5

Fantastic, really intuitive and easy to use- and I seem to have used all of the others so far! You are IT Genii!!


5 out of 5

I am so pleased I found this site. I used the surveys and was delighted to find the toolkit was available in the package! This by far the most intuitive appraisal record system I have seen. Thank you. I assume the demographics and roles can be carried over to next year?

(Locum GP)   

4 out of 5

More I use it, more I love it ! I hope it will still be available next year.

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Clearly worded uncluttered site One-stop shop for Revalidation - perfect! Easy to navigate 360 - what a dream! My colleagues also said so! Great support from Duncan Cost - really reasonable Well done all round!

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5



5 out of 5

Easy to use- a great help.


5 out of 5

The best toolkit I have used (and I have used many!).Very straightforward and a real help for preparing for appraisals


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

I found the whole process very intuitive and so much easier than the previous appraisal toolkit that I used -- rather than dreading the preparation for my appraisal, I actually quite enjoyed the process.

(Occupational Health Doctor)   

5 out of 5

I wanted to acknowledge the excellent service I have received from FourteenFish Limited with respect to my colleague and patient survey. You provided a most efficient and professional service for which I am truly grateful. I was also very impressed indeed with the speed of the feedback results which I needed quickly before my appraisal date. Thank you very much indeed for sorting this out so promptly. Your results with comparisons and comments are tabulated in a very readable and easily understood. I have already recommended your service to several of my other GP colleagues as being an excellent service. I would have no hesitation in recommending you further to any doctor to help with their appraisal process. I also consider that you provide an excellent service for the fee charged.

(Hospital Doctor)   

4 out of 5

in setting up account and also in giving feedback this has been very strightforward


5 out of 5

Very useful!

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

This excellent friendly site is helping me record my learning details while my usual site is experiencing some difficulties. Thank you for allowing free trial use! I may consider changing to this site.


5 out of 5

Easy to use and very helpful, prompt support if any difficulties.


5 out of 5

Excellent site. User friendly - far less stressful for all. Particularly like the email direct to your learning diary!


5 out of 5

great to have, at last, a GP- friendly appraisal tool and the learning diary is genius


5 out of 5

So far easy to use. Helpful quick back up when I was not sure of login details etc. I await my feedback!!


5 out of 5

excellant way to do your feed back for appraisal - quickly assessed and well presented results and really easy to do


3 out of 5 On this page, Licence should be spelled with a C. This is England and C means it is a noun and S means it is a verb!

Our reply: Thanks so much for pointing this out. We have tried to correct all the spellings which will become live in the next site update.


5 out of 5

Excellent. I found preparing for my appraisal so much easier this year using this site especially as I was able to record my cpd on the site as I went along. I just hope I can use the same site again next year rather than having to change again!!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

extremely impressive :-)


5 out of 5

Excellent registration process.


5 out of 5

So beautifully laid out easy to use - spot on perfect! If you could use the appraisal section to generate a MAG form that would be even better

(Locum GP)   

5 out of 5

excellent site v efficient + helpful thankyou


5 out of 5

Excellent site - be nice to have iPhone app which integrates with it automatically

Our reply: Thank you. An app is planned for early next year.


5 out of 5

Thank you for creating a common sense appraisal toolkit which reduces the workload and sticks to the key elements needed in a straight forward way. I love the ability to email in learning notes for automatic adding – a really convenient way to put them directly in my appraisal record at the time. I was emailing them to myself previously and adding them manually in the weeks before my appraisal. I am impressed by the speed of response to queries and the development of the toolkit.


4 out of 5

Good website I like the look of the appraisal toolkit but none of the appraisers have heard of it or use it in fact nobody I know uses it, is it gaining popularity

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to rate our appraisal toolkit. In Hampshire and Dorset the toolkit is certainly popular (we have over 250 appraisals in progress) and it's gaining in popularity elsewhere. I am pleased you like it, we wanted to make a simple toolkit that made the process of preparing for and recording the appraisal simple. Both appraisers and appraisees seem to like it and we are always pleased to get any feedback to help us improve it.


5 out of 5

Excellent, easy to use and quick response.


5 out of 5

I have used 3 previous "Toolkits" - this is excellent. Email reminders, questionnaires well constructed etc. Had one query and emailed the company, reply within minutes with the solution.


5 out of 5

(Medical Educationalist)   

5 out of 5

Really great site. Very intuitive user interface. The best appraisal toolkit I have used by far.

(Medical Educationalist / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Very intuitive and useful


5 out of 5

I found the whole process of doing the 360 on this site very straightforward and non-threatening.


5 out of 5

I find it really easy to use and great that you can email the learning events in.


5 out of 5

Very user friendly; a great help in preparing for appraisals and revalidation


4 out of 5

Easy to use, and quick.

(Other (non-clinical) / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I was impressed with how easy to use the site is and how prompt the responses were. The steps required to use are clear as well regarding sequence of activity. Thank you.


3 out of 5

The toolkit is good pre appraisal but it is not clear whether the pdp is looking at last years or next years . There is no obvious agreed pdp to be filled in during the appraisal which has lead to difficulty signing off

Our reply: Thank you for this. We have reflected on this and changed the structure and guidance on the PDP section.


5 out of 5

Easy to follow instructions, easy questionnaires for colleagues and patients- people don't have lots of time to complete these. Really fast turnaround too, result back on day I closed the colleague survey. In time for my appraisal, Money well spent,many thanks.


5 out of 5

Great site! Just come back after not looking at it for a while and really impressed. Looking forward to seeing what new features you add.


5 out of 5


4 out of 5

(Other Doctor / Appraiser)   

4 out of 5

Please use “invitation” (noun) and not “invite” (verb) when referring to an invitation. Thanks so much Dr Pedant


4 out of 5


5 out of 5

Wonderful -- just so easy to use and relevant. I have dreaded the preparation for my appraisal for the last few years -- it has taken me up to 3 days to put my information on the Severn Appraisal Toolkit that we had been obliged to use -- what I had entered one year got lost and I have no credits to my name for that year! They coud not retrieve this information, despite dozens of tel calls and emails, so I now have a letter from my appraiser confirming that I had earned the 80 or so credits that I was claiming! I have recently discovered that other colleagues have also come to dread their appraisals because of this -- and indeed some have given up their registration after retirement, partly as a result. The appraisal recording process should be as easy and invisible as possible, so that it doesn't take time away from the actual CPD and the review of this in the appraisal/revalidation -- I believe that you have achieved this with your organisation and your website, and I intend to send an email to all my GP colleagues in Somerset to let them know how good it is. It is particularly encouraging for those of us who wish to practice back in developing countries after retirement (in only 2/12 for me) Thank you!


4 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Very easy to use


5 out of 5

Excellent idea asking me to set up my own MSF


5 out of 5

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Very straight forward site to use. Wonderful presentation of the surveys means very easy to reflect on. I would recommend to everyone.


1 out of 5

Difficult to register, and I really do not understand the site, the instructions are not at all clear.

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to feedback but we are very sorry that you feel this way. Our aim is certainly to make the site easy to use with clear instructions. We will reflect on the layout and continue to try and improve it.


5 out of 5

Really good, easy to follow website. I feel very supported by it being LMC accredited. Thank you.


5 out of 5

Excellent interface at a great price.


4 out of 5

Very well designed User friendly I think it might be helpful for a new years appraisal to automatically have default setting for the previous years appraisers details as this will remain the same for most of us for 3 years in a row. We can change it when needed..just a thought? It's little things like that that are user friendly. Richard Peace

Our reply: Thank you for taking the time to suggest this and we have now added this feature.


5 out of 5

Incredibly user friendly. Well done


5 out of 5

Very easy to use and clearly designed with input from GPs !

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I love the appraisal toolkit. For the first time preparing for my appraisal wasn't daunting ! Also my appraiser commented on how easy it was for him to use. Will be recommending this to all my colleagues. Thank you !!!!!

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Colleague survey easy to set up and smart looking report - Brilliant

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

I love the appraisal toolkit - this is the first year that I haven't found preparing for my appraisal daunting ! Very straight-forward, even my appraiser commented on how easy it was for him to use. Thank you !

(GP / Appraiser)   

5 out of 5

Just the thing I have been looking for !! I love the learning diary so easy - I just forward any learning/ emails, reflect and my points are added up ! Very slick - no more folders full of print-outs