Fixed 6 month Term GP Salaried – Stanford
Views: 604
Stanford Medical Centre are looking for a 6 session GP to join our supportive and friendly team to help manage a change for us for a fixed term of 6 months. Looking ideally to start April. We have 18,500 patients, are a training practice with 3 sites - one of which is based at Brighton University.
About us
- a team of 8 partners
- 3 salaried GPs
- own mental health practitioner
- strong nursing team
- strong workflow and admin team supporting the practice to minimise GP Workload
- hold weekly clinical team meetings
- salaried GPs are supported by a Partner
- Strong PCN at has its own care home and frailty team
- pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, FCP care co-ordinators and social prescriber to support the practice
- strong emphasis on continuity for our patients
- EMIS practice
The Role
You will undertake all aspects of the GP role. Your clinics will be a mix of face to face appointments and telephone calls if appropriate. You will also undertake home visits and deal with patient tasks, referrals, and other paperwork as required.
To arrange an informal chat/visit, for more information or to apply, please contact the Practice Manager Cheryl Palmer -
Practice Website: