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Quality and Performance Co-ordinator – Cheddar Medical Centre

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Job Description

Quality and Performance Co-ordinator

Part time - 25 hrs/week


The post holder will coordinate the reporting of all enhanced services for the practice and for improving performance against the Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) targets.

This will include the preparation, analysis and reporting of all performance data.

The post holder will collaborate with all areas of the business to provide information and analysis to ensure the efficient operation of the practice and to inform developments in patient pathways, service delivery and long-term plans.


Practice Administration Lead for QOF, enhanced services and clinical recall; ensuring that all recall systems are robust and up to date.

Working under direction from the Practice Management team to ensure the practice meets its performance targets, maximises income and improves patient care.

In conjunction with the Practice Manager, establish a set of protocols for the practice, to ensure the accurate input of data and enable access of information as necessary.

Develop setting up templates, using read codes for the purpose of extracting data from the computer for the use of audits.

Assist and produce information and reports as requested by practice and outside authorities/ agencies

Searches and audits using the computer according to practice/authority/ government guidance (using RISC and miquest)

Have knowledge of the telephone systems and be able to take accurate messages from other professionals/patients when necessary

Ensure that all monthly and quarterly claims for enhanced service=s are completed accurately and on time.

Ensure that all automatic extractions through CQRS are accurate and liaise with the ICB where they are not accurate and correct the extractions

Liaise with Practice Manager to ensure that they are aware of all claims and any issues arising from erroneous claims

Support the Practice to maximise income through QOF and enhanced services

Support with coding training to ensure that all claims are accurate

Support the development and standardisation of EMIS templates and protocols

Support the practice with managing the flu campaign data; including identifying eligible patients and reporting vaccination uptake


While seeking treatment, patients entrust us with, or allow us to gather, sensitive information in relation to their health and other matters. They do so in confidence and have the right to expect that staff will respect their privacy and act appropriately.

In the performance of the duties outlined in this job description, the post-holder may have access to confidential information relating to patients and their carers, practice staff and other healthcare workers. They may also have access to information relating to the practice as a business organisation. All such information from any source is to be regarded as strictly confidential.

Information relating to patients, carers, colleagues, other healthcare workers or the business of the practice may only be divulged to authorised persons in accordance with the practice policies and procedures relating to confidentiality and the protection of personal and sensitive data.

Health & safety:

The post-holder will assist in promoting and maintaining their own and others’ health, safety and security as defined in the practice Health & Safety policy, the practice Health & Safety manual, and the practice Infection Control policy and published procedures. This will include:

Using personal security systems within the workplace according to practice guidelines

Identifying the risks involved in work activities and undertaking such activities in a way that manages those risks.

Making effective use of training to update knowledge and skills.

Using appropriate infection control procedures, maintaining work areas in a tidy and safe way and free from hazards

Actively reporting of health and safety hazards and infection hazards immediately when recognised

Keeping own work areas and general / patient areas generally clean, assisting in the maintenance of general standards of cleanliness consistent with the scope of the job holder’s role

Undertaking periodic infection control training (minimum annually)

Reporting potential risks identified

Demonstrate due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Equality and diversity:

The post-holder will support the equality, diversity and rights of patients, carers, and colleagues, to include:

Acting in a way that recognizes the importance of people’s rights, interpreting them in a way that is consistent with practice procedures and policies, and current legislation.

Respecting the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefs of patients, carers, and colleagues.

Behaving in a manner that is welcoming to and of the individual, is non-judgmental and respects their circumstances, feelings priorities and rights.

Personal/Professional development:

The post-holder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment, such training to include:

Participation in an annual individual performance review, including taking responsibility for maintaining a record of own personal and/or professional development.

Taking responsibility for own development, learning and performance and demonstrating skills and activities to others who are undertaking similar work.


The post-holder will strive to maintain quality within the practice, and will:

Alert other team members to issues of quality and risk.

Assess own performance and take accountability for own actions, either directly or under supervision

Contribute to the effectiveness of the team by reflecting on own and team activities and making suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the team’s performance.

Work effectively with individuals in other agencies to meet patient’s needs.

Effectively manage own time, workload, and resources


The post-holder should recognize the importance of effective communication within the team and will strive to:

Communicate effectively with other team members.

Communicate effectively with patients and carers.

Recognize people’s needs for alternative methods of communication and respond accordingly.

Contribution to the implementation of services:

The post-holder will:

Apply practice policies, standards, and guidance.

Discuss with other members of the team how the policies, standards and guidelines will affect own work.

Participate in audit where appropriate.

This description is not exhaustive and you will be expected to and you will be expected to work in any area not specifically covered or referred to in this document for the wellbeing of the practice.

Attachment for this job advert

QOF and Performance Co-Ordinator.docx