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GP Salaried – Ashdown Medical Group

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Ashdown Medical Group

Ashdown Forest Health Centre, Lewes Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5AQ


Woodhill Surgery, Station Road, Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6BW

Appointment of a Salaried GP

Profile of the Practice

The Location

Ashdown Forest Health Centre is based in Forest Row and Woodhill Surgery is based in Mayfield. This role is predominately based at Forest Row although there may be a requirement to work at either practice. A new premises is currently in planning for Mayfield, increasing our footprint to 350 Sq mtr, we hope to in place by Jan 2026.

The Patients

There are almost 14,000 patients registered at both practices (10,500 in Forest Row and 3,500 at Woodhill, both have a fairly stable list size. The practice population is a mainly affluent one with small pockets of deprivation. It has a large elderly and mature population.

The practices are open 8.30 am - 6.30 pm Mondays to Friday and extended hours working Saturdays from 9 am – 12.30 am (one Saturday in 6) and a Thursday evening.

Philosophy of the Practice

The philosophy of the practice is to provide a high standard of patient care in an efficient and well-organised but friendly environment. Patient’s interests are kept to the fore with a strong emphasis on continuity of care.

The democratic partners aspire to achieving a good work-life balance and flexibility in the workplace. A high level of achievement under the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) targets and access surveys demonstrates their commitment to high quality healthcare.

Services to Patients

In addition to normal medical services, offered via a General Medical Services (GMS) Contract, the following services are provided on site:

  • Antenatal clinics
  • Anti-coagulation monitoring
  • Asthma services
  • Baby clinics
  • Child health and immunisation services
  • Chiropody
  • Chronic Pulmonary Disease Management
  • Contraception, including IUCD fitting
  • Cryotherapy
  • Dermatology Service
  • Diabetic clinics
  • Dietician (by referral)
  • Dispensary
  • Joint injections
  • Aural Micro suction
  • Minor surgery
  • Phlebotomy
  • Pipelle Endometrial biopsy
  • Sexual health services
  • Smoking cessation
  • Women’s services, including cervical smears
  • Wound dressings
  • Plus a range of enhanced services

The Partners and the Practice Team

There are currently 5 partners in the practice: -

R. J. Baxter (M) MB ChB (Birmingham 1992) DRCOG PhD MRCGP

J. A. Baseley (M) MB BS (London 1996) BSc DGM DRCOG MRCGP

A. L. A. Fyfe (F) MB BS (London 1994) BSc BDS DA DRCOG DFFP

A Cornell (M) Practice Manager

R Patel (M) Clinical Pharmacist BSc Pharm IP

The partners have a variety of interests, including, Diabetes, GP training, Minor Surgery, ENT, and an accredited surgical examiner. Each partner takes a lead role in clinical specialities and supports the practice manager/clinical pharmacist with management areas of the practice, such as QOF, practice finances, human resources, premises, dispensing, PCN, PRG and IT. Currently the Practice manager is also lead practice manager for the PCN.

The practice also looks after nursing homes with a weekly ward round.

The practice dispensary was started a few years ago and has proven a great success due to the wide rurality of the population and the dispensary’s dosset trays and delivery service.

Additionally there are six salaried GP’s Dr A. Cannon (F), Dr I Mahmood (M) Dr P Manyan (F), Dr S Fletcher (M), Dr S Miller (M) Dr C Maciver (F) who work 2- 6 sessions each week within the practice.

The practice is an accredited training practice with one of the partners being a trainer. This means that one or more registrars can be in the practice at any time.

Assisting the doctors with clinical services are two hard working part time practice nurses. Apart from normal practice nursing duties, the nurses run a variety of chronic disease management clinics. The practice nurses are in turn aided by a three part time health care assistants. The nursing team is accountable managerially to the practice manager and clinically to the partners.

The practice employs three other teams of staff to aid the manager, the Reception team who cover all the opening hours including the extended hours, and the Administrative team who deal with IT, prescriptions, and secretarial work, and the Dispensary team. The practice also employ a deputy Practice Manager to support the management team and head up HR, in total some 30+ personnel.

The practice is part of the High Weald PCN and Sussex ICB.

Computing and Information Technology

The practice uses the TPP SystmOne clinical computer. The practice also has an excellent website:

The practice is connected to the NHS Net. Hospital test results, X-rays and out of hours reports are received via GP links. practice is considered "paper lite” all letters are scanned on to the computer system and diagnoses are coded accordingly. practice has developed protocols and templates to ensure consistency and quality in the management of chronic diseases, to achieve high targets.

PC terminals are networked throughout the practice and there is an Intranet providing shared access to protocols and documents.

For more information or to apply please contact Andrew Cornell, Managing Partner on 

Attachment for this job advert

Job Description.docx